This week @naturalgenius_stem will continue celebrating our 1st year milestone by highlighting other historical “firsts”. Today we recognize the landing of lunar orbital, Eagel, which allowed Neil Armstrong first, and seconds later, Buzz Aldridge to be the first humans to step foot on the moon. July 20, 1969, At 4:17 p.m., and only 30 Seconds of fuel remaining, the lunar module Eagle, touched down on the moon. This craft was carrying the first man to step foot on any surface outside of earth. At 10:56 p.m. Neil Armstrong placed the 1st human foot on the moon. He & fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin would go on to explore the moon for two and a half hours.
This mission ultimately made way for the 1st moon-based observatory. Just 3 short years after the Apollo 11 mission,
the Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph was placed on the moon.This highly specialized device provided the first opportunity for earth to be “photographed from a distance in ultraviolet light…” This remarkable observation was made by Dr. George Carruthers, the inventor of the ultraviolet camera/spectrograph. Dr. Carruthers’ ultraviolet camera/spectrograph made its way to the moon during the Apollo 16 mission in April 1972. It still remains there today! Dr. George Carruthers made the first detection of molecular hydrogen in space!He continuedto develop scientific breakthroughs for decades. He was awarded the National Medal of Technology & Innovation in 2012.
For more information on the Apollo Missions and Dr. George Carruthers visit .